Arrival in Horta
We did it! Friday around 13.00h we arrived in Horta, after 22 days at sea. The last miles we used the engine, since there wasn’t any wind to sail. We cleaned the boat a bit and after that Miguel for 16 hours. Today we’ve done our PCR test. Just like Madeira, the Portuguese has organized this perfectly! Yesterday the came by us to give us a form to fill out and today we got picked up to be brought to the test centre. Hopefully the results will in later today, otherwise tomorrow. Until then, there is plenty to do on Saetta, but we also take time to enjoy amd appreciate what we did: Sailing about 2500 nm!
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21 June 2021 @ 12:51
So pleased for you both. You did really well. Well earned rest now. Where are heading for after Horta?
26 June 2021 @ 10:45
Thank you! We want to visit a couple islands, but the weather doesn’t seem too good to sail around. Miguels parents will visit us in Sao Miguel, so we are definitly going there!
21 June 2021 @ 17:40
Thanks for the update. So glad to know you made it safely. relax and enjoy. Congratulations on your great accomplishment.
26 June 2021 @ 10:48
Thank you!!